Active & Passive Voice Grammer Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers

12. Rewrite any four of the following sentences as directed [4×1=4]

II. Change the following sentence into passive voice (Page 173)

1] We practice yoga everyday in the morning
A] Yoga is practiced by us everyday in the morning

2] He will make all the arrangements
A] All the arrangements will be made by him

3] The judge declared the verdict
A] The verdict was declared by the judge

4] They had already announced the result before we entered the hall
A] The result had already been announced by them before we entered the hall

5] Many students sacrificed their precious life for the sake of separate Telangana
A] The precious lives were sacrificed for the sake of seperate Telengana by the students.

6] The students borrowed some books from the library
A] Some books were borrowed by the students from the library

7] Nobody can save him
A] He cannot/can’t be saved

8] How much loan amount has the bank sanctioned?
A] How much loan amount has been sanctioned by the bank?

9] One should wear the helmet while riding a two-wheeler
A] Helmet should be worn while riding a two-wheeler

10] Money alone can’t solve all the problems
A] All problems cannot/can’t be solved by money alone

11] Switch off the lights
A] Let the lights be switched off

12] Please maintain silence in the prayer hall
A] Let silence be maintained in the prayer hall / you are requested to maintain silence in the prayer hall

13] We have to undergo many formalities for getting a visa
A] Many formalities have to be undergone for getting a visa

14] The workers called off the Strike
A] The strike was called off by the workers

15] The teacher is explaining the lesson
A] The lesson is being explained by the teacher

III. Change the following sentence into active voice (Page 174)

1] The parcels will be delivered at any time by the (courier agent)
A] The courier agent will deliver the parcels at anytime

2] Surya was invited to tea by Chandra
A] Chandra invited Surya to Tea

3] Traffic rules should be followed
A] We should follow traffic rules

4] Vegetables are washed before cooking
A] We wash vegetables before cooking

5] Let the following sentences be changed into passive voice
A] Change the following sentence into passive voice

6] How many times were you reminded of the medicine
A] How many times did I remind you of the medicines

7] Let the dust bin be kept away from the eatables
A] Keep the dustbin away from the eatables.

8] Have all your friends been invited to your birthday
A] Have you invited all your friends to your birthday

9] Every sentence can’t be changed into passive voice
A] We can’t change every sentence into passive voice

10] If the ointment is it apply to the wound it will not Heal
A] If you don’t apply the ointment to the wound, it will not heal

11] My brother has been beaten at chess by anyone in a school
A] No one has ever beaten my brother at chess in his school

12] It is believed that Sammakka and Saralamma are the saviour of their lives in times of crisis by the villagers
A] The villagers believe that Samakka and Saralamma are the saviour of their lives in times of crisis

IV. Change the following sentence into passive voice (Page 175)

1] Rain water fills potholes on road
A] Potholes are filled by rainwater on roads

2] He Is buying a TV set at the moment
A] A TV set is being bought by him at the moment

3] I have planted 100 saplings so far
A] 100 saplings have been planted so far by me

4] They were reading the newspaper
A] The newspaper of was being read by them

5] She had answered it already
A] It had already been answered by her

6]I will write an essay to night
A] An essay will be written by me to night

7] You will have posted it by Monday
A] It will have been posted by you by Monday

8] Can she play violin?
A] Can the violin be played by her?

9] They may not telecast it
A] It may not be telecast by them

10] One must do once duty
A] One’s duty must be done

11] Call in the doctor
A] Let the doctor be called in

12] Close the door
A] Let the door be closed

13] The Government has to do it
A] It has to be done by the Government

14] Someone has already cast my vote
A] My vote has already been casted by someone

15] Who could help him?
A] By whom could he be helped?

V. Change the following sentence into active voice (Page 175)

1] He was seen crossing the road
A] We saw him crossing the road

2] You are advised to be careful
A] We advise you to be careful

3] Let the picture be seen by me
A] Let me see the picture

4] Her purchases were paid for by me
A] I paid for her purchases

5] They are no shops to be let They are no shops to be let
A] There are no shops to be let (out)

6] The class has selected her their monitor
A] She has been selected their monitor (by the class)

7] People say that the Earth is round
A] people say that ‘The Earth is round

8] The road had been repaired
A] They had repaired the road

9] I am surprised at this news
A] This news surprises me

10] It is hoped that I shall win
A] I hope that I shall win

VI. Change the following sentence into passive voice (Page 175)

1] I have made a mistake
A] A mistake has been made by me

2] Your students will respect you a great deal more for your frankness and honesty
A] You will be respected by your students a great deal more for your frankness and honesty

3] Call the attention of your near neighbour and the table to the excellence of the coffee
A] Let the attention of your near neighbour at the table be called to the excellence of the coffee

4] Do you apply Pythagoras theorem or Newton’s Law of Gravity
A] Is Pythagoras theorem or Newton’s Law of Gravity applied by you?

5] Rahul lost of quarter mark in English
A] A quarter mark in English was lost by Rahul

6] She planted trees fenced watered and guarded them
A] Trees are planted fenced watered and guarded by her

7] Their hope and encouragement gave me greatest strength
A] Given to me by their hope and encouragement

8] Instantly remove that hatter
A] Let that hatter be removed instantly

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