Parts Of Speech Grammer Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers

7) Identify the parts of speech of any eight of the following underlined words. (8 x 1/2=4)

2. Identify the Parts Of Speech of the underlined words (Read page – 99)

1. Hyderabad is a historical city.
A. Historical=Adjective

2. Children are a source of joy to the parents.
A. Source=Noun

3. Honesty is the best policy.
A. Honesty=Noun

4. We learn many things through observation.
A. Learn=Verb

5. Since it was raining, he took an umbrella with him.
A Since=Conjunction, with= Preposition

6. Alas!  the legendary athlete Milkha Singh is dead.
A. Alas! =Interjection

7. They themselves interfered in the dispute.
A. Themselves=Pronoun.

8. The boy runs in the park joyfully
A. Joyfully=adverb

9. Music draws the attention of everyone.
A. Everyone=pronoun

10. Cricket matches are watched by lakhs of people.
A.  Lakhs= noun

3) Identify the parts of speech of the bold words in the following sentences. (read page 100)

1. Several writers wrote about education.
A. Several=Adjective, about=preposition

2. The Hungry dogs are howling.
A. Hungry=Adjective

3. People eat vegetables across the world.
A. vegetables=Noun ,world= Noun

4. An idea can change a life.
A. An=Article

5. Food is a necessity of Life.
A. food=Noun  ,life= Noun

6. I invited him to the party.
A. Him=pronoun

7. She is interested in painting.
A. Interested=verb/adjective

8. He completed the whole work successfully.
A. whole=Adjective/adverb

9. The woman beside David is my cousin.
A. beside=Preposition

10. She has two children.
A. Two=Adjective/noun

11. Treatment heals wounds.
A. treatment=Noun ,wounds=noun

12. Ah! Don’t say you don’t agree with me.
A. Ah! =interjection

13. Since he was tired, he went to bed early.
A. Since=Conjunction

14. I love singing because it is interesting.
A. Because=Conjunction

15. I can’t be at ease until I wash my face.
A. Until=Conjunction

16. Eureka! I got it.
A. Eureka! =Interjection

17. I like salt and pepper.
A. And=Conjunction

18. Have you passed? Congratulations!
A. Congratulations! = Interjection

19. Make hay while the sunshine.
A. while= Interjection

20. Wake up early so that you can study.
A. Early=adverb

21. What is the result of that kind of schooling?
A. Schooling=Noun

22. I cannot answer that question.
A. Answer=Verb

23. Each individual who wishes to succeed must get that kind of discipline.
A. wishes=Verb

24. Such persons are surely undesirable.
A. Surely=Adverb

4. Identify the parts of speech of the following underlined words. (Read page – 101)

1. Do you (1) think, literacy (2) is a harbinger (3) of restlessness, fear (4), frustration? isit (5) Adam [6] and [7] Eve eating the tree (8) of (9) knowledge, all (10) over again?

        10]all= adverb

2 . Although (1) Thimmakka did not receive(2) formal(3) education, her (4) work (5) has been honoured (6) with (7) the National (8) citizen’s award (9) of (10) India.

A.1] Although=conjunction

3] I had (1)a moment (2) of (3) mixed joy (4) and anguish, when(5) my mind (6) took over .it(7) raced well (8) ahead of my body and (9) drew my body compellingly (10) forward.

    A.1] Had=verb(auxiliary verb)
      2] moment=noun
      3] of=preposition
      4] joy=noun
      5] when=adjective
      6] mind=noun
      7] it=pronoun
       8] well=adverb
      9] and=conjunction
      10] compellingly=adverb

4] Box: stop! (1) can you (2) inform (3) me who (4) the individual (5) is that I invariably (6) encounter (7) going downstairs when I am coming up (8), and (9) coming upstairs (10) when I am going down?

A.1] Stop=verb/interjection
    3] inform=verb
    10] upstairs=adverb

5]Ah! (1), Then you (2) mean to say that this (3) gentleman’s smoke (4), instead of emulating example of all (5) the sort of (6) smoke, and (7) going up the chimney, thinks (8) proper to affect a singularity (9) by taking the contrary (10) direction.

A.1] Ah!=interjection

5. Identify the parts of speech of the bold words in the following sentences. (Read page 101)

1. I asked my biology teacher what I should do to save it.
A. what=Pronoun

2. From his talk, it seems studies were an ancillary subject; and living and experiencing the major subject.
A. talk=noun, ancilliary=adjective

3. And she was cross.
A. And=Conjunction

4. Papa, that’s what happens in my craft and drawing class.
A. what=Pronoun

5. Anyway, papa, do you know where I lost that quarter mark that bought about my fall.
A. where= conjunction, quarter=adjective, fall=noun/verb

6. Thimmakka could not go to school due to poverty and lack of facilities.
A .lack=Noun

7. The decision was my alone.
A. Alone=Adverb

8. The attempt was on.
A. Attempt=Noun

9. My knowledge of pace deserted me.
A. Deserted=Verb

10. A voice shouting ‘relax’ penetrated into me above the noise of the crowd
A. Above=Preposition

11. There was no pain, only a great unity of movement and aim.
A. only=Adverb

12. The world seemed to stand still or did not exist.
A. still=Adverb

13. The noise in my ears was that of the faithful Oxford crowd.
A. that=Pronoun

14. There were only fifty yards more.
A. More=Adverb

15. I felt like an exploded flashlight with no will to live.
A. will=Noun

16. Well, Wonders will never cease.
A. Well=Interjection

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