Correction of Errors in Sentences Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers

14] Rewrite any four of the following sentences correcting the underlined errors [4×1=4] (Page 195)

I. Nouns and Pronouns Phrases

a) Observer the following sentence:

1) I have seen some beautiful sceneries Ramoji Film City
A) I have seen some beautiful scenery in Ramoji Film City

2) I wish I had a better news for you 
A) I wish I had better news for you

3) She bought a toothpaste 
A) She bought a tube of toothpaste

4) Can you read the Urdu alphabets?
A) can you read the Urdu alphabet?

5) Here is your glasses!
A) Here are your glasses!

6) Have you seen the table of content of his textbook?
A) have you seen the table of contents of his textbook?

7)The police is investigating the case 
A) the police are investigating the case

8) Look at the man in blue jean 
A) look at the man in blue jeans

9) There were a series of programmes to mark the Telangana Formation Day on 2nd June;
A) There was a series of programmes to mark the Telangana Formation Day on 2nd June

10) Athletics are given more importance nowadays.
A) Athletics is given more importance nowadays.

11) Mumpsare kind of disease
A) Mumps is a kind of disease

12) This box has twelve dozens Apples
A) This box has twelve dozen apples

13) I received five thousands rupees from the manager 
A) I received five thousand rupees from the manager

14) The athlete ran a four miles race 
A) The athlete ran a four-mile race man servants

15) She is my cousin sister
A) She is my cousin

16) There is a scarcity of manservants nowadays
A) There is a scarcity of men servants nowadays

17) Many passer -bys observed the accident 
A) Many passers-by observed the accident.

18) Most male deers have horns like antlers
A) Most male deer have horns like antlers

b) Change the mistakes in the following sentences and rewrite them

1) The news of the earthquake have spread like Wildfire 
A) The news of the earthquake has spread like Wildfire

2) Keep your surrounding clean 
A) keep your surroundings clean

3) The man in blue jean is my brother
A) The man in blue jeans is my brother.

4) The first inning is over 
A) The first innings is over

5] We must Express thank to those who help us
A] we must Express thanks to those who help us

6] Economics are an interesting subject
A] Economics is an interesting subject

7] Athletics are an interesting sport
A] athletics is an interesting sport

8] Measles are a dangerous disease 
A] measles is a dangerous disease

9] Oceans sandsare not used for construction
A] Ocean sand is not used for construction

10] The sceneries of Darjeeling are very beautiful
A] The scenery of Darjeeling is very beautiful

11] CV Raman knowledges of all branches of Physics are abnormal
A] l CV Raman knowledge of all branches of Physics is abnormal

12] Mouses have spoiled the crop 
A] Mice have spoiled the crop

13] There are five womans in the team
A] there are five women in the team

14] We should wash our foots before coming into the house
A] We should wash our feet before coming into the house

15] He has many sheeps
A] He has many sheep

II. Pronouns

a) Now observer some more sentence given below

1] One should respect his teacher
A] One should respect one’s teacher

2] One of my classmates are an officer in the Indian Army
A] one of my classmates is an officer in the Indian Army

3] Both didn’t attend the meeting
A] Neither attended the meeting

4] Sharma plays cricket better than me
A] Sharma plays cricket better than I

5] We all didn’t go
A] none of us went

6] ‘Who did this?‘ Myself’
A] ‘who did this?I’.

7] Any one of these two boys are sent for pilot training
A] Either of these two boys is sent for pilot training

8] I haven’t got some pens
A] I haven’t go any pens.

9] If I were him I wouldn’t have played the game
A] If I were he, I wouldn’t have played the game

10] Sheela and Nancy like one another
A] Sheela and Nancy like each other

11] Only they who have passes will be allowed
A] Only those who have passes will be allowed

12] Every woman raised their voice
A] Every woman raised her voice

13] My neighbour  that works in a bank has gone to Mumbai
A] My neighbour who works in a bank has gone to Mumbai

14] Drink water which tastes better
A] Drink water that tastes better

15] Your’s obediently,
A] Yours obediently,

b) Correct the mistakes in the underline part of the following sentence.

1] Every men are responsible for this situation
A] Every man is responsible for this situation

2] Each of them weregiven a gift
A] Each of them is given a gift

3] Students must avail the opportunities
A] Student must avail themselves the opportunities

4] The two players blamed one another for their defeat
A] That two players blame each other for their defeat

5] All Indians must respect each other.
A] All Indians must respect one another

6] Yourself are responsible for your future
A] You are responsible for your future

7] There are no less than ten employed persons in their village
A] There are not less than ten employed persons in the village

8] He and me are brothers
A] He and I are brothers

9] Divide the pieces of bread between him and me
A] Divide the pieces of bread between you and I

10] My three sisters like each other
A] My three sisters like themselves

III. Adjectives

a) Now learn few more adjective and adjective phrases with their correct use.

1] His both sons are lawyers
A] Both his sons are lawyers

2] These all mangoes are ripe
A] All these mangoes are ripe

3] I lost my all belongings
A] I lost all my belongings

4] There are no less than ten thousand book in the library
A] There are no fewer than ten thousand books in the library

5] She is worst than her cousin
A] She is worse than her cousin

6] This picture is the best of the two
A] This picture is the better of the two

7] He is more better than she
A] He is better than she

8] This is the most best book I have read
A] This is a best book I have read

9] Virat Kohli is better than any cricketer in India
A] Virat Kohli is better than any other cricketer in India

10] This is strongest of any other metals
A] This is the strongest of all metals

b) Now study the following sentence.

11] She has been helping the poors
A] She has been helping the poor.

12] The two first chapters are very interesting
A] The first two chapters are very interesting

13] I am hopeless about his success
A] I have no hope of his success

14] She was not smart early
A] She was not smart earlier

15] This is a worth reading novel
A] This is a novel worth reading

16] He hasn’t written much stories
A] He hasn’t written many stories

17] Open your book at six page
A] Open your book at page six

18] This is a best book
A] This is a very good book

19] Ooty is Cool than Tirupati
A] Ooty is Cooler than Tirupati

20] I paid him rupees hundred
A] I paid him a hundred rupees

c) Correct the mistakes in the following sentences

1] As there are only few students, I can interact with them easily
A] As they are only a few students, I can interact with them easily

2] My all friends are very active
A] All my friends are very active

3] Gandhi is more truthful than any political leader
A] Gandhi is more truthful than any other political leader

4] This is taller than many buildings in Hyderabad
A] This is taller than many other buildings in Hyderabad

5] Raghu is my older brother
A] Raghu is my elder brother

6] Sania Mirza is more popular than any tennis player
A] Sania Mirza is more popular than any other tennis player

7] The streets of Hyderabad are wider than Warangal
A] The streets of Hyderabad are wider than the streets of Warangal

8] Of the two this is the best article
A] Of the two this is the better article

IV. Articles

a) Here are some sentences with correct usage of articles

1] My brother is working in tribal area
A] My brother is working in a tribal area

2] I have an urgent business
A] I have (some) urgent business

3] Kaleshwaram project is built on Godavari
A] Kaleshwaram project is built on the Godavari

4] Moon is very bright today
A] The moon is very bright today

5] I shall be visiting UK next month
A] I shall be visiting the UK next month

6] Himalayas form the northern boundary of India
A] The Himalayas form the northern boundary of India

7] We should love the nature
A] we should love nature

8] The Calcutta is a big city
A] Calcutta is a big city

9] I have read Ramayana thrice
A] I have read the Ramayana thrice

10] David goes to the church every Sunday
A]  David goes to church every Sunday

11] The gold is a precious metal
A] gold is a precious metal

12] He can play Sitar well
A] he can play the Sitar well

13] Lion is the king of beasts.
A] The lion is a king of beasts

14] I had the lunch at noon
A] I had lunch at noon

15] I met my friend at college
A] I met my friend at the college

b) Correct the mistakes in the underline part.

1] Suma is an popular anchor
A] Suma is a popular anchor

2) Our apartment is on third floor
A] Our apartment is one  the third floor

3) I waited for a hour
A] I waited for an hour.

4) Sun rises in the east.
A] The Sun rises in the east.

5) Onion cost Rs.40 Kg
A) Onion cost Rs.40 a KG

V. Verbs

a) The most common error in English are seen in the use of Verb forms. Observer the following sentence

1] One of my friends have gone to UAE.
A] One of my friends has gone to the UAE.

2] Each of the girls were given the medals.
A] Each of the girls was given the medals.

3] Everyone of the workers have stayed from work.
A] Everyone of the workers has stayed away from work.

4] Neither of the participants were able to win the match.
A] Neither of the participants was able to win the match.

5] Age and experience bring wisdom to man.
A] Age and experience brings wisdom to man.

6] Bread and butter are my favourite breakfast
A] Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast

7] Where you are going?
A] Where are you going?

8] When you will come here again?
A] When will you come here again?

9] He asked me if I am going to Dubai
A] He asked me if I was going to Dubai

10] I asked her if she is learning dance
A] I asked her if she was learning dance

11] You are married, isn’t it?
A] You are married aren’t you

12] I like skating, do I?
A] I like skating, don’t I

13] As I was ill so I could not go
A] As I was ill I could not go

14] Both Hari as well as Krishna came to see me
A] Both Hari and Krishna came to see me [or]
A] Hari as well as krishna came to see me

b) The following are few more sentences with correct use of verbs.

15] She said that she saw him last night
A] She said that she had seen him last night

16] The train left before I arrived
A] The train had left before I arrived

17] I had been to Vijayawada yesterday
A] I went to Vijayawada yesterday

18] I took my supper
A] I had my supper

19] He knows to swim
A] He knows how to swim

20] She cut her pencil
A] She sharpened her pencil.

21] I said to him to go.
A] I told him to go.

22] He gave a speech
A] He made a speech.

23] He made a lecture
A] He gave a lecture

24] My tooth is paining
A] My tooth is aching

25] He made a goal
A] He scored a goal

c) Correct the mistakes in the underline part.

1] When Rome was burning, Nero is playing on the flute
A] When Rome was burning Nero was playing on the flute

2] They are staying in the same flat for the last many years
A] They have been staying in the same flat for the last many years

3] How long are you waiting here
A] How long have you been waiting here

4] He is interested to do a job
A] He is interested in doing a job

5] They have moved to the new house last week.
A] They moved to the new house last week.

6] he Is having many imported clothes
A] he has many imported clothes

7] As soon as I opened the doors the bird fly away
A] As soon as I opened the doors the bird flew away

8] If I will stand on my own legs, my parents will feel happy.
A] If I stand on my own legs, my parents will feel happy.

9] if you consult me, I would have advised you what to do
A] If you had consulted me, I would have advised you what to do

10] He is visiting the library daily
A] He visits the library daily

11] She enjoys to sing patriotic song
A] She enjoys singing patriotic songs

12] Why you were absent yesterday
A] Why were you absent yesterday

VI. Adverbs

a) The following are few wrongly used adverbs with their right forms.

1] I am too glad to see you
A] I am very glad to see you

2] This coffee is very hot to drink
A] This coffee is too hot to drink

3] She is very much sorry
A] She is very sorry

4] You are living back your bag.
A] You are living behind your bag.

5] You can lift it by and by
A] You can lift it little by little by

6] we scarcely see a lion.
A] we rarely see a lion

7] He behaved cowardly.
A] He behaved in a cowardly manner.

8] Sarojini Naidu was called as nightingale of India
A] a Sarojini Naidu was called the nightingale of India

9] She works very hardly
A] She works very hard

10] He speaks English very good
A] he speaks English very well

11] His version somewhat true
A] His version is partly true

12] She speaks the truth always
A] She always speaks the truth

13] He comes to me often
A] He often comes to me

14] Most likely the shops will remain closed tomorrow
A] Most probably the shops will remain closed tomorrow

15] The whole India is proud of his achievement
A] The whole of India is proud of his achievement

b) Correct the mistakes in the underline parts.

1] He walks very fastly
A] He walks very fast

2] We don’t hardly believe it
A] We hardly believe it

3] They don’t do anything careful
A] They don’t do anything carefully

4] She scares blames others
A] She scarcely blames other

5] He is walking very slow
A] He is walking very slowly

VII. Prepositions

a) Correct the mistakes in the underline pair.

1] I have ordered for three dishes.
A] I have ordered three dishes.

2] He entered into the hall.
A] He entered the hall.

3] She has married with her cousin.
A] She has married her cousin.

4] We are awaiting for the train.
A] We are waiting for the train[or]
we are awating the train

5] He has been suffering with Corona.
A] He has been suffering from Corona.

6] She covered her head by a shawl.
A] She covered her head with a shawl.

7] They waited three hours.
A] They waited for three hours.

8] I enquired her where her husband was.
A] I enquired of her where her husband was.

9] He went for riding.
A] He went for a ride.

10] She is called with different name.
A] She is called by different name.

11] Sign the documents with ink.
A] Sign the document in ink.

12. This is a comfortable house to live.
A] This is a comfortable house to live in.

13] I filled water in the bucket.
A] I filled the bucket with water.

14] I shall explain them this.
A] I shal explain this to them.

15] I traveled by my Principal’s car.
A] I traveled in my Principal’s car.

16] She was accused for stealing a gold ring.
A] She was accused of stealing a gold ring.

17] He congratulated me for my success.
A] He congratulated my on my success.

18] She got down the bus at Mancherial
A] She got down from the bus at Muncherial

19] I dont agree for your proposal
A] I dont agree to your proposal

20] This is the road to go.
A] This is the road to go by.

b) Correct the mistakes in the underline part.

1] The property was divided between the four brothers
A] The property was divided among the four brothers

2] I prefer fruits than sweets
A] I prefer fruits to sweets

3] He is afraid with darkness
A] He is afraid of darkness

4] Beside the poet Tagore is a short story writer
A] Besides being a poet Tagore as a short story writer

5] The shop will be open between 10 AM to 8 PM.
A] The shop will be open between 10 AM and 8PM.

6] This is different to that
A] This is different than that

7] She resembles to her mother
A] She resembles of her mother

8] I prevented to do my work.
A] I was prevented from doing my work.

VIII. Conjunctions

a) The following are the few wrongly used conjunctions with their right forms.

1] Though he is fat, but he runs fast.
A] Though he is fat, he runs fast.

2] Scarcely, had he gone than the phone rang.
A] Scarcely, had he gone when the phone rang.

3] No sooner had he gone when the officer came
A] No sooner had he gone than the officer came

4] She is not only beautiful but intelligent
A] She is not only beautiful but also intelligent

5] I doubt that he will get through the exam
A] I doubt whether he will get through the exams

6] He was handsome but everyone admired him
A] He was handsome and everyone admired him

7] You are not right nor wrong
A] You are neither right nor wrong

8] Wait while I come
A] Wait till I come

9] Unless you do not try you will never succeed
A] Unless you try, you will never succeed

10] City life is tense and village life is relaxed
A] City life is tense but village life is relaxed Very 

b) Correct the following sentences

1] Either you must take up a job or start a business
A] You must either take up a job or start a business

2] Neither she drinks tea nor coffee.
A] She drinks neither tea nor coffee.

3] They asked me that where SBI was.
a] They asked me where SBI was.

4] Sheila is as proud like a peacock.
A] Sheila is as proud as a peacock.

IX. Learning from Mistakes

a) Correct the mistakes and rewrite the following sentences

1] Very good morning
A] Good morning

2] What is your good name
A] What is your name?

3] Why you are late today?
A] Why are you late today?

4] The staff meeting has been preponed
A] The staff meeting has been advanced

5] I will report it to the concerned the teacher
A] I will report it to the teacher concerned

6] We go home by walk
A] We go home on walk

7] I do not know what is your name
A] I do not know what your name is

8] He went to the backside of the house.
A] He went to the back of the house.

9] We have to take care of the females in our family
A] We have to take care of the women in our family

10] Please bring your luggages here
A] Please bring your luggage here

11] This road is more shorter than that.
A] This road is shorter than that.

12] We often chit chat with our friends
A] We often chat with our friends

13] Please shut the TV
A] Please switch off the TV

14] I and my wife went to a movie
A] My wife and I went to a movie

15] Mohan and myself will come.
A] Mohan and I will come.

16] I am having a scooter
A] I have a scooter

17] This costed me a lot
A] This cost me a lot

18] I doubt that he will succeed
A] I doubt whether he will succeed

19] We are living in Bengaluru since 2015
A] We have been living in Bengaluru since 2015

20] We have a lot of furnitures in a house
A] We have a lot of furniture in our house

b) A list of common Errors in Englishs.

1] A bouquet of yellow Roses lend and colour and fragrance
A] A bouquet of yellow roses lends colour and fragrance

2] Here is the keys
A] Here are the keys

3] Two miles are too far to walk
A] 2 miles is too far to walk

4] If I was a bird I would fly
A] If I were a bird, I would fly.

5] I wish it was Sunday
A] I wish it were Sunday

6] All the staff are here
A] All the staff is here

7] The captain with his mens were killed.
A] The captain with his men was killed.

8] It is a two days programme
A] It is a two-day programme

9] Neither he came nor he wrote.
A] Neither did he come nor did he write.

10] One of my friend is here
A] One of my friends is here

11] He enjoyed at the party
A] He enjoyed himself at the party

12] He is in class tenth
A] He is in class ten

13] He gave his examination
A] He took his examination

14] Columbus invented America.
A] Columbus discovered America.

15] Edison discovered electric bulb.
A] Edison invented electrtic bulb.

16] Never I have seen such a mess.
A] Never have I seen such a mess.

17] Should I cut this word.
A] Should I erase this word.

18] He asked a help
A] He asked for help

19] They insisted to pay
A] They insisted on paying.

20] Choose the best of the two options.
A] Choose the better of the two options.

21] He went to foreign
A] He went abroad

22] I asked a question to him.
A] I asked him a question.

23] We are doing yoga everyday.
A] We do Yoga everyday.

24] All the roads are covered by snow.
A] All the roads are covered with snow.

25] He does not care for my words
A] He pays no attention to what I say

c) Correct the mistakes and rewrite the following sentences.

1] They asked what was my name
A] They asked what my name was

2] We elected Ram as president
A] We elected Ram as the president

3] This article is made with cotton
A] This article is made of cotton

4] We look forward to meet the Minister
A] We look forward meeting the Minister

5] I know them for the last many years
A] I have known them for the last many years

6] Why is she hating classical music?
A] Why does she hate classical music?

7] It is raining since yesterday
A] It has been raining since yesterday

8] I am good in English
A] I am good at English

9] If cleanliness will be maintained, we will be healthy
A] If cleanliness is maintained, we will be healthy

10] We had seen them two weeks ago
A] We saw them two weeks ago

11] He has hanged his coat to a nail.
A] He hung his coat to a nail.

12] All banks will be open between 10 AM and 6 PM.
A] All banks are open between 10 AM to 6 PM.

13] He is not an expert in Grammar, isn’t it?
A] He is not an expert in grammar, isn’t he?

14] Children are fond for chocolates
A] Children are fond of chocolates

15] Would you mind to open the door.
A] Would you mind opening the door.

16] Did you went to school yesterday.
A] Did you go to school yesterday.

17] She explained me the matter
A] She explained the matter to me

18] Are you really interested with English grammar
A] Are you really interested in English grammar

19] Bring me half glass water.
A] bring me half a glass of water

20] Every Sunday we go to the church
A] Every Sunday we go to Church

21] He plays tennis isn’t he?
A] He plays tennis doesn’t he?

22] The river has flown over its bank
A] The river has flowed over its bank [or]
The river has overflowed its banks

23] I returned back from London
A] I returned from London

24] A bend in the road is not an end of the road
A] A bend in the road is not the end of the road

25] I must change my cloths at once
A] I must change my clothes at once

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