Odd Sounds Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers

16] Circle any four of the words that sound different from the other words in that set with regard to the sound of bold letters [1×4=4]

Look at the following words. Circle the words that sounds different with regard to the sound of the bold letters (Page No 200 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. cropclonedropclone
2. briefdietgriefdiet
3.  foot foodtool foot
4. toughghostroughghost
5. greatgeneralgroupgeneral
6. pressstress pressure pressure
7. collegegaragemarriagegarage
8. useusunionus
9. suresaltsilksure
10. readbeakdeardear
11. mixboxxeroxxerox
12. baggageluggagesuggestsuggest
13. mealmeasuremeantmeal
14. Cart CatbackCart 
15. Studentstupidstudystudy
16. Laughter daughtercough daughter
17. InkIslandIfIsland
18. AgreeasleepAppleApple
19. DogDonedonkeyDone
20. darkdaydangerdark
21. Hoperod roperod
22. Fry Cry tray tray
23. breakgreatheatheat
24. Fingerengineangerengine
25. Pushpull pure pure
26. Load roadbroadbroad
27. EarnEarthEachEach
28. naturematuretutortutor
29. eastexistextraeast
31. MusicMustmuscleMusic
32. Crybyemanymany
33. Pencil catchdance catch
34. Musicphysicsbasicbasic
35. BuryFurymunicipalmunicipal
36. LootcoolFloodFlood
37. DoneOneTonOne
38. Utterbutterfusefuse

Exercise 2 ( Page No 201 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. CharacterchapterAchieveCharacter
2. Grow governgentlegentle
3. suchmuchepochepoch
4. LikelinklimitLike
5. Centreclass comeCentre
6. Manyyetqualityyet

Exercise 2 ( Page No 201 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. Kiteknow knifeKite
2. That think thousandThat
3. Easy escapesandEasy
4. Gotonoto
5. Hoperodroperod 
6. earneartheacheach

Exercise 3 ( Page No 202 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1.  Realpeace  fearpeace
2. Failhair affairFail
3. Stouout   wouldwould
4. thin thisthick this
5. lifedrinksinklife
6.  donoPhone do

Exercise 4 ( Page No 202 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. useus unionus
2. InkIsland iIsland 
3. thoroughthisthinthis
4. sitfit  write write
5. rosechose lose lose
6. weekmeekdeerdeer

Exercise 5 ( Page No 202 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1.  villagesewagegarbagegarbage
2. massivepassive invite invite
3. thesethousandotherthousand
4. publicpullputpublic
5. statetake walk walk
6. agecage go go

Exercise 6 ( Page No 202 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. cheapchainchaoschaos
2. organorderowlowl
3. huge honourhungryhonour
4. publicpuretubepublic
5. yellmoneymanyyell
6. listenaftertakenlisten

Exercise 7 ( Page No 202 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. headbeadleanhead
2. timeitIit
3. waywastewantwant
4. eyegetcheckeye
5. Marchstart nation nation
6. beingstagemorningstage

Exercise 8 ( Page No 203 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. deerfeetstreetdeer
2. barely moneyrelyrely
3. lookbookdoordoor
4. antaboveapplesabove
6. latebatmakebat

Exercise 9 ( Page No 203 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. suggestbeggarluggagesuggest
2. captap tape tape
3. shaketake  talk talk
4. house  hourmouse hour
6. thinthis  thickthis

Exercise 10 ( Page No 203 )

Word 1Word 2Word 3Answer
1. call cinemacute cinema
2. leisuresugar sureleisure
3. arm aboutaloudarm
4. exitexamexerciseexercise
5. mealmeasure meantmeal
6. dreadbreakbreadbreak

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