Poetry A Red Red Rose – Robert Burns Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers


2. A Red Red Rose (Robert Burns)

8. Match any eight of the following words in Column A with their meaning in column B. [8x ½ = 4 Marks]

1) Sprungopened up, bloomed
2) melodiea pleasing tune
3) art thouare you
4) bonniepretty, happy
5) lassa young woman
6) theeyou
7) ganga Scottish word means ‘go
8) o’of
9) weelwell
10) fare thee weelgoodbye

2. Annotate the following in about 100 words each [2×4=8Marks]

A) O my luve’s like a red, red rose
That newly sprung in June

B) O my luve’s like the melodie
That’s sweetly play’d in tune.

C) And I will luve thee still,my dear,
Till a’ the seass gang dry:

D) And fare thee weel,my only
luve and fair thee weel a while!

4. Answer the following in 100 words [ 2x 4 = 8 Marks ]

A. How is the feeling of love expressed in A Red Red Rose?
B. Why is love compared to A Red Red Rose?
C. What does the speaker promise in A Red Red Rose?
D. Describe the speaker’s devotion to his beloved as expressed in the last two lines of A Red Red Rose?

Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem “A Red Red Rose” written by “Robert Burns”.

About the poet Robert Burns was a great Scottish poet and lyricist in one of
the best poet known for his lyrical poetry and rewriting of Scottish folk songs. His volume of work particularly in Scottish earned him the status of the National Bard Of Scotland. He is rightly regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic Movement His poetic style is marked by spontaneity, directness, and sincerity.

Context – A Red Red Rose pictures a young speaker’s love for his beloved. The speaker compares his love with a ‘red rose’, he says that his love is like a flower that has just bloomed in the month of June. His love is fresh and is bursting with life. He compares his love with a beautiful song that fills the heart with joy.

The speaker promises different things to his beautiful beloved. He says that his love is not mortal, his love is immortal. He says that he loves her with a deep and strong passion. He vows to love her until the earthly seas have dried up. The fire of the sun has melted the rock, and the sands of life disappear, his love would stay alive.

For the present, the speaker says goodbye only to return soon, though the journey is to a far off place. He makes a promise to his beloved that he will return to her life after their temporary separation. He promises to be with her, No matter how long the journey takes.

Conclusion- Thus the speaker uses such words because his love for his beloved is so deep and genuine, it conveys the meaning that the true love never dies.


Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem “A Red Red Rose” written by “Robert Burns”.

About the poet Robert Burns was a great Scottish poet and lyricist in one of
the best poet. He is rightly regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic Movement His poetic style is marked by spontaneity, directness, and sincerity.

Context – A Red Red Rose pictures a young speaker’s love for his beloved. The speaker compares his love with a ‘red rose’, he says that his love is like a flower that has just bloomed in the month of June. His love is fresh and is bursting with life. He compares his love with a beautiful song that fills the heart with joy.

The speaker promises different things to his beautiful beloved. He says that he loves her with a deep and strong passion. He vows to love her until the earthly seas have dried up. The fire of the sun has melted the rock, and the sands of life disappear, his love would stay alive.

He makes a promise to his beloved that he will return to her life after their temporary separation. He promises to be with her, No matter how long the journey takes.

Conclusion- Thus, the poem conveys the meaning that the true love never dies.

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