Poetry On The Grasshopper And Cricket John Keats Interactive English Second Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers


2. On The Grass hopper And Cricket ( John Keats )

2. Answer ANY Two of the following question in about 100 words each [2×4=8]

1) What is the theme of the poem ” On The Grass Hopper And The Cricket”?

2) According to Keats, When does one hear a cricket’s song?

3) When does a Grass Hopper sings?

4) Discuss the common feature between the Grass hopper and the cricket?

The poem “On the Grass hopper and  Cricket” written by “John Keats”. He was an English Romantic Poet. He devoted his life to the Perfection of poetry. His odes such as “Ode on a Grecian Urn”, Ode to a Nightingale are among his most famous works.

The Poem On the Grass hopper and Cricket was inspired by nature’s beauty, which is a popular theme of the poetry of romantic poets. The first part talks about the Grasshopper, while the second part is devoted to cricket.

The poet expresses his feelings regarding nature’s song and says that the poetry of earth never ceases. The Grass hopper and Cricket are used as symbols. Seasons may come and go, but nature never fails to inspire us with its songs. During the Summer heat, birds stop singing, because of the hot and harsh sun and hide under the shade of the cooling trees, what gives us comfort and pleasure is the poetry or music of nature. The grasshopper’s songs represent nature’s poetry.

Nature is brimming with elements that help living things flourish. Grasshopper sings endlessly, but when tired, rests under some pleasant weed to freshen itself so that it can provide relief to the entire nature. As result, even in the intense heat, natural elements such as the “cooling tree” and “pleasant tree” can be discovered.

During extreme winter the birds stop singing. There is a death-like silence in which nature seems to have got enveloped. Frost spreads its blanket over all elements of nature. Despite that, a shrill sound comes from under the stones, it’s the Cricket who is singing. The ‘warmth’ of the cricket’s song balances out the extreme cold during the winter month. People hear the song and to many, it seems as if the grasshopper was singing from the grass hills and has the same soothing effect that the grasshopper’s song did during the Summers. They are recovered from their drowsy sleep to listen to the endless music of nature. The warmth of the cricket’s song balances out the extreme cold during the winter months.

Thus, in the poem John Keats depicts the beauty of nature. The poetry of earth is never dead, which becomes the central image or the metaphor that would be invoked in the entire poem.

“The earth has music for those who listen, and poetry for those who see.”


The poem “On the Grasshopper and  Cricket” written by “John Keats” He was an English romantic Poet. He devoted his life to the perfection of poetry.

The poet expresses his feelings regarding nature’s song. When birds stop singing in extreme heat, the earth is filled with the songs of a grasshopper. Grasshopper sings endlessly, but when tired, rests under some pleasant weed. During winter there is a deathly silence. Frost Spreads its blanket over nature. Regardless, a shrill sound comes from beneath stones, and it is the cricket takes up the responsibility of singing the glory of nature in winter. The cricket’s song restores warmth.

Thus these small creature prove to the world that the poetry of the earth never stops. Grasshopper and Cricket are used as symbols to say nature is optimist.

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