Poetry The Beggar Dr. Ammangi Venugopa Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers

English Study Material for First Year Intermediate, on Poetry ” The Beggar” by Dr. Ammangi Venugopa, via Interactive English Telugu Akademi, Hyderabad.


3. The Beggar (Dr. Ammangi Venugopal)

6.Match Any FOUR of the following words in Column-A with their meaning/definition in Column B [4×1=4 Marks]

1. duskyhaving a dark shade
2. hunchbacka bent curled forward back
3. blood tingedshowing/having marks of blood
4. mitigatereduce, lesson satisfy
5. infinitevery great in amount, without limits
6. voidemptiness
7. sproutto grow from a seed, germinate
8. gobbleeat hastily
9. thresholdentrance, the door or gate of a house

2. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each : [ 2x 4 = 8 Marks ]

a. “Dr Ammangi Venugopal’s creativity is rooted deeply in the complexities and contradictions of modern life,”
say observers?

b. How does the poem, The Beggar describe the farmer’s pathetic physical condition?

c. List the abilities a farmer is endowed with, according to the poem?

d. The poet addresses the reader as you and talks about the farmer as my farmer. Explain the significance in a paragraph?

The poem The Beggar is written by “Dr.Ammangi Venugopal”. He born near Hyderabad. He did his doctoral research in Osmania university, Hyderabad. A prolific writer as Dr.Ammangi is, he has so far published five anthologies of poems,some playlets, many essays and ten short stories. He is a popular Telugu poet who was honoured of Kaloji Narayana Rao in 2015. The Beggar was originally written in Telugu Poem titled as “Bichchagadu“.

The poem “ The Beggar” projects the intense grief of the farmer’s pathetic condition to create an impact on the reader and to grab the attention. Farmers, the food providers to all, struggles to survive. They starve. Yet, they toil. Their feet bleed. Their eyes are full of shadows of their sad stories. Their hunched backs tell us how hard they work. Yet, their stomachs get no food. They are capable of feeding millions. And those millions do not include in them those farmers. To express the farmer’s infinite capacity the poet has used the expression,” ability to mitigate the sky’s hunger“. The poet portrays our farmer’s physical appearance frail, dark shadowed eyes, don’t misunderstand him, he is not a beggar. He is our farmer, who can feed the world but today he is hungry and empty stomach. How cruel the modern society responsible for this irony is ! the poem shows the complexities of current times, thus acquiring for itself universal appeal. A farmer today is in misery, farmer’s dusky eyes are dark with shadows of their hands are soiled and severed and their feet bleed. Yet their ability to produce food and satisfy others hunger remains fully active. Although he satisfies the hunger of even skies, his stomach gets no food. The modern society is playing a cruel joke on him.

Thus, the poem, “The Beggar” plays a significant role to think over the problem of the farmer and finds a way-out.



The poem “The Beggar” is written by “Dr.Ammangi Venugopal”. He was born near Hyderabad. He is a popular Telugu poet who was honoured of Kaloji Narayana Rao . The Beggar was originally written in Telugu.

The poem “ The Beggar” projects the intense grief of the farmer’s pathetic condition. A farmer today is in misery. His eyes speak about his sorrow. It identifies farmer with dark eyes, that are filled with shadows of the struggle. Their hands are soiled and severed and they feet bleed. Yet, their ability to produce food and satisfy others hunger remains fully active. They meet the hunger of even skies. They work hard. They help others. Yet, the irony is they don’t find food for themselves.

Thus, the poem, “The Beggar” plays a significant role to think over the problem of the farmer and finds a way-out.

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