Prose Two Sides Of Life Booker.T.Washington Interactive English First Year Intermediate Study Material With Answers

English Study Material for First Year Intermediate, on Prose ”Two Sides Of Life” by Booker.T.Washington, via Interactive English Telugu Akademi, Hyderabad.

Extra Information For Below Notes:

  • The numbering of Questions is based on how it appears in the model paper of the Board of Intermediate
  • In Question no ( 1 ), writing of side heading is a must and highly recommended.
  • In Question no ( 3 ), remove the side heading and write in paragraphs.


1. Two Sides Of Life

8. Match any eight of the following words in Column A with their meaning in column B. [8x ½ = 4 Marks]

1. accomplishachieve something
2. appreciatingvaluing something highly
3. overcastcloudy, dark gloomy
4. mud-puddlessmall muddy waterproof
5. disconsolateextremely sad, gloomy, unhappy
6. unpalatablehard to accept, not tasting good
7. dwell uponto think or talk a lot about something
8. reciteread aloud
9. Daniel websterAn American lawyer and statesman (1782-1852)
10. seizegrab or catch hold of
11. woeSadness, Grief
12. dispositioncharacter, nature, temperment

1. Annotate the following in about 100 words each [2x 4 = 8 Marks]

  • a) In thought in talk, in action, I think you will find that you cam
    separate life into these two divisions the dark side and the bright side,
    the discouraging side and the encouraging side
  • b) Education is not what a person is able to hold his head, so much as it is
    what a person is able to find
  • c) They are the people who never go forward. They never suggest a line of
    activity. They live simply on the negative side of life
  • d) Do not be satisfied until you have put yourselves into that atmosphere
    where you can seize and hold on very highest and most beautiful things
    that can be got out of life.

3. Answer the following in about 100 words each [2x 4 = 8 Marks]

  • a. How do the two types of persons react to an overcast morning?
  • b. How does Booker T Washington advise the teacher trainees to develop
    frankness and honesty in their teaching?
  • c. Why does the speaker feel it unfortunate about the students who fail in
    assessing and honey in their teaching?
  • d. The whole speech on human traits. Comments with reference to Booker T
    Washington has two sides of life.

Introduction: These lines are taken from the lesson “Two Sides of Life” written by Booker.T.Washington

About the author: Booker.T.Washington was an American educator, author, orator, and advisor who became one of the most prominent leaders of the African American community. He founded Tuskegee Normal & Industrial Institute and the National Negro Business League. His life and industry are the hallmarks of his personality. Two Sides Of Life is a speech from his popular book called ” Character Building “, from his observation and experiences.

Context: Booker.T.Washington’s speeches have had much to do with building up of the character. First, he classifies humans into two groups. They are optimistic and pessimists. Optimists always look upon the bright side of life. While the pessimists look upon the dark side of life. Life is a mixture of joys and sorrows. Then only life runs smoothly and peacefully.
Washington says that education is neither what a person is able to hold in his head, nor what a person is able to find. Education is such training that will make a student know where to go and get facts.

The author further talks about teachers. The teacher who is franked and fair is always appreciated. All are supposed to make mistakes, and teachers are no exception. However, admitting their mistakes openly adds something character. Like the two sides of life, even people are of two classes those who see only the bright side, the other who only see the dark. Those who look on the dark side of life make the whole atmosphere unpleasant everything that comes from their mouth is unpleasant. They make their life miserable and others’ life as well such persons are surely undesirable Students who are always fault finding and criticizing their teachers get no benefit at all, one has to see strong and beautiful things in one’s teacher. This is how one drives oneself in the right direction one should always see the best things in life.

One who cultivates the habit of seeing the brighter side, nine cases out of ten are highly regarded individuals and the world seeks advice from their intelligence. He advised the students, ” Don’t compromise in your life to achieve the best things and you deserve to be the best in your life”.

Conclusion: Thus, it is good to see the happier side more and spread cheer all around. Positive thinking encourages and negative thinking discourages. Encouragement always leads to progress and prosperity. Discouragement always pushes into dark dungeons.


Introduction: These lines are taken from the lesson Two Sides of Life written by Booker.T.Washington

About the author: Booker Taliaferro Washington was born an African- American. He founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Industries in 1881 and the National Negro Business League two decades later .

Context: Booker T Washington discusses the two sides – the bright side, the dark side of life – Like the two sides of life, even people are of two classes those who see only the bright side that is only the positive, the morning appears beautiful in all aspects; the others who see only the dark that is the negative, the morning appears gloomy, dully and muddy water.

Both are likely to make mistakes by seeing only one side . Both teachers and students make mistakes. But it is good to see the strengths. It is good to see the happier side more and spread cheer all around.

Conclusion: Thus they are the bright side of life and the dark side of life or the discouraging side and the encouraging side.

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