Listening Comprehension For First Year Intermediate English

The teacher may record the listening texts with the help of the other teacher on a recorder or mobile phones and play each audio, while students answer the questions. The teacher may play each audio only once. If it is necessary, the audio may be played two to three times. Between each listening, the teacher can find out the progress, made by the student in answering the questions.


  • a) Write any 4 (FOUR) of your choice out of 34 and
  • b) Any 1 (one) from 35 to 38 of Extras

Practice Tasks in Listening Comprehensions

4. Listen to the tape script read our played on an audio device and then questions will be displayed on the blackboard. The passage will be read out/played a second time again. Then, write the answers on the answer script. (4x 1= 4 Marks)

1. Desirable Basic Human Qualities

Character is a person’s moral and intellectual traits. Character make a man. Kids need more than a decent education and employment. They must also learn morality. They can be ideal citizens. Health is both mental and physical, according to the WHO. Healthy youth can build a healthy Nation. Join NSS, NCC, and blood donation camps. They should eat well and be good. Avoid drinking and drugs. Adolescents are unprepared for social issues. They may be unprepared indeed. Academic pressure May crush them. They may struggle with peer pressure. They may become depressed or engage in anti-social behavior. teens need discipline, commitment, and self-confidence. Choosing a role model from family or society can help create values. Biographies of famous leaders, social reformers, revolutionaries, scientists, and educators can inspire kids. They can develop decent morals over time. Ragging and Eve-teasing can be replaced by social work.

  1. What makes a man?
  2. Kids need________ beyond education and unemployment.
  3. According to________ health is both physical and mental.
  4. Adolescents are unprepared for _______ issues.
  5. What helps in developing values?

Play Sound Audio

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Characters Makes a Man
  2. Morality
  3. WHO
  4. Social Issues
  5. Choosing a role model from family or society can help create values.

2. Mistakes Can Make Miracles

They are instances when blunders become advantageous. The Nobel Prize, the most prestigious honor in the world, was created due to one such mistake. When Alfred Nobel’s brother, Ludwig, passed away in 1888, a French newspaper published an article incorrectly identifying the deceased man as Alfred Nobel, the Dynamite creator who made him incredibly wealthy. This led to the publication of a particularly critical obituary entitled ” The Merchant of Death is Dead”. This meant that Alfred had a unique chance to read his obituary. Is this how future generations remember me?” He wondered guiltily. No, I have to take action. The vast sum of money I’ve amassed must be used to help bring about Global harmony. We all know what happened next. The Nobel prizes in physics, chemistry, biology/medicine, and literature were thus established.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. What is the most prestigious honour in the world?
  2. When did Noble’s brother passed away?
  3. How do we understand the news caption ” The Merchant of Death is Dead”?
  4. Who was the Dynamite creator?
  5. In what subjects were Nobel prizes established?

Play Sound Audio

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Nobel Prize
  2. 1888
  3. Published in a French newspaper, mistakenly identifying Alfred Nobel as the deceased
  4. Alfred Nobel
  5. Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Medicine, and Literature.

3. Charlie Chaplin

In 1915, Charlie Chaplin accidentally created the Little Tramp. He grabbed clothes left in the changing room while racing to a California film production. He emerged with a beloved personality. A small person with a bowler hat, a close-fitting jacket, a cane, big shoes, and a brush-like mustache! Chaplin became famous quickly. He was a bashful British music hall comic, so that confused him. He was America’s silent comedy king Global crowds followed. Chaplin’s life wasn’t always funny. His parents, music hall performers, divorced when Charlie was young. His upbringing was miserable since his mother never made enough to support Charlie and Sydney. Chaplin often slept on the streets and ate garbage. Charlie took his first bow after his mother left the stage. Her voice broke while singing. Her son sang a hit onstage. A star exploded. Charlie remembered his hard beginnings throughout his accomplishments. After his mother’s death, he was refused two oranges and a bag of sweets at Christmas for disobeying a regulation at the orphanage. It would have devastated his heart if the other kids hadn’t shared. The adult Chaplin spontaneously gave the orphanage a movie machine and insisted that each youngster have as many oranges and candies as they wanted.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. Name the unforgettable character Chaplin invented.
  2. Describe the unique appearance of Charlie Chaplin.
  3. How did Charlie emerge as America’s silent comedy king?
  4. Mention any two of the challenging beginnings of Chaplin’s career.
  5. What did the adult Chaplin contribute to the orphanage?

Play Sound Audio

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Little Tramp.
  2. Small person, bowler hat, close-fitting jacket, cane, big shoes, brush-like mustache.
  3. America’s silent comedy king: Becoming famous quickly as a bashful British music hall comic.
  4. Miserable upbringing, slept on streets, ate garbage; parents’ divorce.
  5. Movie machine, oranges, candies for each youngster.

4. No Stops Barred

‘Go’ is the smallest single-word statement. So, what might be the longest sentence? How many words are there? Make an educated guess. The longest phrase contains over four million words. Lucy Elman created and composed Ducks, Newburyport, a thousand-page novel. This 1,000-page novel won this year’s (2020) Goldsmith’s Prize for breaking the norm and stretching the novel’s structure. “It’s a massive achievement,” one judge cried. Another judge gushed. “This gripping, hypnotic novel remakes the novel.” The novel’s ambitious form initially attracted rejections until Galley Beggar eventually published it. The novel is an interior monologue of a mother baking pies in her kitchen in Ohio. According to the author, this long, run-on-sentence novel floats readers around, absorbed in one woman’s idea.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. What is the smallest single-word statement?
  2. How many words does the longest phrase contain?
  3. Name the novel which won Goldsmith’s prize.
  4. What is the novel about?
  5. Mention the author’s final statement.

Play Sound Audio

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. “Go.”
  2. Over four million words.
  3. “Ducks, Newburyport.”
  4. An interior monologue of a mother baking pies in her Ohio kitchen
  5. The long, run-on-sentence novel floats readers around, absorbed in one woman’s idea.

5. Strange Lawyer

After the death of a lawyer named Strange, his friend approached the person who made tombstones and requested an inscription for the deceased. Right before you lie. Strange a truthful man who worked as a lawyer. The person who wrote the inscription was adamant that such an inscription would not be appropriate since it would mistakenly lead anyone passing by to believe that three people were interred beneath the stone. On the other hand, he offered a different suggestion. He would write, “Here lies an honest and upright guy who was a lawyer”. In that manner, anytime someone passed by the gravestone and read what was written on it, they would exclaim, “That’s strange!”

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. What is the name of the lawyer?
  2. Who approached the tombstone maker and for whom?
  3. Why was the inscription writer adamant?
  4. What was the inscription text?
  5. What do people exclaim, passing by the gravestone?

Play Sound Audio

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Strange
  2. Strange’s friend
  3. Didn’t want the inscription to be mistaken for three people.
  4. “Here lies an honest and upright guy who was a lawyer.”
  5. “That’s strange!”

6. National Service Scheme (NSS)

Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of India, enlisted students in national service. He suggested that students do “something positive so that the lives of the villagers might be raised on higher material and moral level” instead of academic research on economic and social disability. Dr VKRV Rao, Union Education Minister, introduced NSS in 37 universities across all states on September 24th, 1969. The programme began during the Gandhi Century Year because Gandhi motivated Indian youth to join the independence and social uplift of our nation’s oppressed people. Students organise the programme, and  through social service, students and teachers feel involved in national progress. Work experience may also assist students in locating self-employment or employment after graduation.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1._____________ began enlisting students in national service.
Answer: __________

2. According to Gandhi, the lives of villagers might be raised to a higher material and moral level by students doing something____________.

3. Dr VKRV Rao was a ___­____

4. NSS was introduced on___________.

5. Social service helps both teachers and students to feel involved in __________.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Mahatma Gandhi
  2. Positive
  3. Union Education Minister
  4. September 24th, 1969
  5. National Progress

7. Dialogue between a passenger and a bus conductor

Bus Conductor Sir, have you taken the ticket?
Passenger No, actually I want a ticket to Kazipet.
This bus is going via Kazipet, right?
Bus ConductorYes, sir. Please pay Rs.150.
Passenger What? Rs.150? Isn’t it 100?
Bus ConductorNo sir, one ticket to Kazipet is Rs.150. The fares have changed.
Passenger But it was Rs.100 till the last month.
Bus ConductorSir, the fuel prices have gone up and also this is an AC bus
Passenger May I see the fare sheet?
Bus ConductorSure sir. Here it is.
Passenger Okay, here is Rs.200 and can I have a ticket?
Bus ConductorYes sir. Here is the ticket and the change.
Passenger How much change did you give me back?
Bus Conductor50 rupees, sir.
Passenger Really, you gave 10 rupees extra. You’ve given 6 ten rupees notes. Here is a ten rupee note.
Bus ConductorOh! Thank you, sir.

You will hear a dialogue and it will be played once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. The passenger is going to _________.

2. Last month the fare to Kazipet was Rs._________

3. The passenger was travelling in a non-air-conditioned bus.

4. How much did the passenger give to the conductor?

5. How many ten rupee notes did the conductor give back to the passenger?  Answer: ________

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Kazipet
  2. Rs 100
  3. False
  4. Rs 200
  5. Six 10 Rupee Notes

8. Inflight Announcement    

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard Air India flight AI 617 to Hyderabad. Thank you for your attention while important safety information is reviewed. In preparation for departure, be certain that your seat back is straight up and your tray table is stowed. Make sure that your hand baggage is placed completely under the seat in front of you. Mobile phones are to be turned on to air plane mode. However, you may use laptops and other electronic devices when advised by your crew. For everyone’s safety, regulations require your compliance with all lighted signs, placards, and crew member instructions. Fasten your seat belt by placing the metal fitting into the buckle, and adjust the strap so it fits low and tight around your hips. To release, lift the face plate of the buckle. Please review the ‘Safety Instructions’ card in the seat pocket in front of you. The card explains the safety features of this aircraft as well as the location and operation of the exits and floatation devices. Your seat cushion serves as an approved floatation device. To remove it, pull it up and take it with you to the nearest usable exit. After exiting the aircraft, place your arms through the straps and then hug the cushion to your chest. As the flight attendants are pointing out, there are two door exits in the front of the aircraft, two window exits over the wings, and two door exits in the rear of the aircraft.

You will hear an announcement in an aeroplane and it will be played once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Flight number : ______________ 
Answer: __________

2. Destination of the flight : ____________

3. The hand baggage shall be kept under___________
Answer: __________

4. Mobile phones shall be on _____________ mode.

5. Safety instructions card is placed in___________ of the front seat.
Answer: __________

6. _____________ functions as floatation device.
Answer : __________

7. There are ____________ exits to the flight.
Answer: __________

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Flight No: AI 617
  2. Hyderabad
  3. seat infront of you
  4. Aeroplane mode
  5. the seat pocket of the front seat
  6. Seat cushion
  7. Six

9. Ethical Development

Hello students! Let me tell you briefly about ethical development. Ethical development refers to the process of nurturing and promoting ethical values, principles, and behaviours in individuals and societies. It involves cultivating moral reasoning, emphaty and a sense of responsibility towards others and the environments. Ethical development is essential for fostering a just and compassionate society where individuals make ethical decisions and take actions that consider the well-being of others.
Ethical development begins in childhood and continues throughout a person’s life. It is influenced by various factors, including upbringing, education, culture, and societal norms. Parent, teachers, and other significant people play a crucial role in shaping ethical development of an individual. For example, Sudhakar’s father was a drunkard. He caused household problems daily. Sudhakar watched this daily and fled to friend’s house to escape. In contrast, Ranga Rao’s Children grew up as good citizens since Ranga Rao was disciplined and well behaved.

You will hear an audio and it will be played once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. The talk is about ________________.?

2. Ethical development is a process to develop ethical ____________principles and ______________.

3._____________ is necessary for a just and compassionate society.

4. Ethical development starts in childhood but doesn’t continue throughout a person’s life.
Answer: True/False

5. Who influences the ethical development in a person? Answer:__________

6. Whose father was a drunkard?
Answer: __________

7. Ranga Rao’s children fled to friend’s houses to escape.
Answer: True/False

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Ethical Development
  2. Values – Behaviours
  3. Ethical Development
  4. True
  5. Parents, Teacher & other Significant people
  6. Sudhakar’s Father
  7. False

10. A News Item: Swatch Badi – Clean Telangana – Second Only to One!

Finance Minister T. Harish Rao recently opened the second Swatch Badi in Siddipeta; the first was in Bengaluru. The course instructors will instruct students on trash collection, waste sorting (into dry, moist, and dangerous categories), public health awareness, plastic reduction, and home composting. Dr. Prashanti of Bengaluru will manage this educational hub. Anyone of any age is welcome to sign up for this class. The DWCRA Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas] women and leaders, as well as the students, are the primary targets of this initiative. Instruction here is conducted digitally through live demonstrations and PowerPoint presentations for teaching. For example, the resulting compost can be used as fertiliser. Now more than ever is the time to get the word out about this idea.

You will hear a news item and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. ___________was inaugurated by ­___________

2. The first Swatch Badi is found in ______________ in India.

3. What is taught in Swachabadi? Answer:__________

4. This programme benefits ____________ women and children.

5. The instruction is done face-to-face mode. True/False

6. Mention an idea, for example, promoted by DWCRA.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Swatch Badi – Finance Mininster T Harish Rao
  2. Bengalru in India
  3. Trash Collection, Waste Sorting, Public Health Awarness, Plastic Reduction, Home Composting
  4. DWCRA
  5. False
  6. Home Composting

11. Charity Boundless

Ms. Dokka Seetamma’s life seemed governed by the maxim “live only to serve and serve food.” Ms. Dokka Seetamma, also known as Apara Annapoorna, was born in Mandapeta, East Godavari District, in October 1841. Mr. Bhavani Sankaram, her father, fed anyone who came to them hungry. Seetamma’s mother died when she was only six years old. Seetamma had to take up her mother’s task of feeding needy people. Thus began a four- decade-long tradition of making and serving food. She did nothing except cooking and serving meals after her marriage and relocation to

LankalaGannavaram. British Government recognized her benevolence and King Edward VII invited her for the celebration of his anniversary to Delhi but she politely declined it. Then her image was displayed on a seat at the function. Her name was given to an aqueduct on the Godavari and her statue now stands at Kakinada’s Vivekananda Park

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Spell out the maxim quoted in the passage.

2. What is Seetamma titled?

3. Who is the inspiration for Seetamma’s boundless charity?

4. How long did she practise the maxim?

5. Who recognised Seetamma’s benevolence?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. “Live Only To Serve and Serve Food”
  2. AparaAnnapoorna
  3. Seetamma’s Father, Mr.BhavaniSankaram
  4. Four Decades
  5. The British Government

12. Rags-to-Writer – The Saga of Laxman Rao

A well-known Chaiwala calls the nation’s capital city home. Laxman Rao had an eventful life, was adored by the media, was honoured by many organisations, and was no stranger to the highest levels of political office. His life was chronicled in various books. Not his brews but his novels propelled him into popularity and even into Teen Murti House, where Indira Gandhi hosted him in 1984. Teen Murti House was named after him. He is now the author of twenty-five publications in Hindi, which includes novels and plays, and he has garnered honours from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and literary groups. Additionally, he has been covered more than one hundred times in print and digital media. The entire time, until Delhi went into lockdown. you could still stroll up to a tea stall on Vishnu Digamber Marg and get a cup of tea from this well-known author!

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below,  As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What is the name of Chaiwala?

2. Who recognised Laxman Rao as a well- known Chaiwala?

3. What made Indira host the Chaiwala in 1984?

4. How many books did the Chaiwala publish?

5. Where was the tea stall located in Delhi?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Laxman Rao
  2. By the media, organization, and political figures
  3. Indira Gandhi
  4. Twenty five books in Hindi which includes novels and plays
  5. Vishnu Digamber Marg in Delhi

13. Why Do Humans Laugh?

For many people, such as philosophers and psychologists, laughter is serious business. They show us many reasons why we laugh. Sometimes laughter comes as a surprise. In this case, we see ourselves as greater than or superior to another person. For example, when we see someone slip on a banana skin, we laugh at them because they have fallen down, but we have not. We also laugh to let out our emotions. Sometimes we laugh when rules are broken. Think of a man in a suit and tie who goes to take an interview forgetting to wear shoes, and is wearing rubber slippers. Workers may laugh at a cruel employer who may have sat on a chair with wet paint. Did you laugh at someone looking at a cell phone and is going to walk straight into a tree? We laugh at people who do not change and are alike. We have stereotypes-absentminded professors, for example. Or we believe (wrongly) that doctors have bad handwriting. These are called stereotypes, and we laugh at them. Drunkards, boasters, and so on are other examples. Laughter also requires a group. We think that those not in our group are funny. We have jokes about people from the countries or groups. In sum, we laugh because of a sense of superiority, to let out our emotions; we laugh at the strange when we don’t understand. We laugh at people we hate when they suffer. Laughter has the important function of reducing tensions, helping us feel great, and managing the unknown.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. How do philosophers and psychologists view laughter?

2. Why do we consider ourselves greater than others?

3. Who are called stereotypes regarding laughter?

4. Why does laughter require a group?

5. Mention the important function of laughter.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. As a Serious Business. They beleive that laughter has many function, including reducing tension, helping us feel good and managing the unknown.
  2. When we laugh at them, because they have fallen down but we have not. This is called superioty theory
  3. Those who do not change and are unlike, these are called in-groups.
  4. Because we think that those not in our group are funny
  5. Reduce tension, feel good and manage the unknown

14. Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is celebrated predominantly in North America and possesses a different meaning in each country where it’s acknowledged. In the United States, Thanksgiving is a federal holiday (meaning all government employees and most private employees are given a day off of work) and always takes place on the Fourth Thursday in November, regardless of the date. The holiday signifies the immense progress made by pilgrims, or some of the first travellers to North America, at Plymouth Plantation circa 1621. At this time, the hungry and weary Pilgrims were taught (by Native Americans) how to grow and produce food on North America’s unique terrain. Once they’d grown an abundance of food, the Pilgrims were expectedly thankful, and they celebrated alongside the Native Americans who provided them with such valuable assistance. President Abraham Lincoln initiated the contemporary practice of Thanksgiving by calling for a “day of Thanksgiving” during one of his Civil War addresses. In America today, Thanksgiving remains firmly engrained in its historical roots and is widely considered a day for giving thanks for good food, good times, and family. Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, gravy, and sumptuous desserts. Indulging in abundance is a cornerstone of the holiday, as doing so could only be possible if one possesses plenty.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in the US?

2. Which event began the tradition of Thanksgiving?

3. Where is Thanksgiving celebrated?

4. What is the meaning of Thanksgiving’s federal holiday status?

5. Mention the dishes of Thanksgiving dinner.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Fourth Thursday of November
  2. Piligrams celebrating their first harvest with the Native Americans in 1621
  3. North America, Primarily in the US and CA
  4. All government employees and the most private employees are given a DAY-OFF of work. This allows people to celebrate with their families and friends
  5. Turkey, Mashed potatoes stuffing, vegatables, gravy, deserts

15. Power Foods

Fibre, potassium, and mineral-rich foods are power foods. Many fitness trainers recommend these foods for muscle development because people are becoming more health-conscious. There are several ways to eat power foods. Of course, enjoying power foods requires good preparation, season-fresh ingredients, and taste identification. One of the power meal combinations recommended is chickpeas and onions. Iron, needed by anorganism to carry oxygen, is abundant in this combination. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that onion and garlic contain sulphur compounds which help absorb iron and zinc. Teens who need to eat iron love the mix. A chickpea salad with chopped onions, chaat masala, and cilantro makes this power food fast.
Power food eaters love yoghurt and bananas. This is an excellent post- football snack. Exercise reduces glucose and blood sugar. Bananas provide energy and reduce muscle soreness, while yoghurt contains proteins that protect muscle mass. Banana smoothies with chilled yoghurt are quick and uncomplicated. Green tea has the most catechins that prevent cell oxidation. Purdue University researchers say adding a little lemon juice to green tea makes catechins more absorbable.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What are power foods?

2. Fill the gaps in the table:

 Food         Benefit(s)
(a) Garlic and onion 
(b) Sulphur compounds 
(c) Green Tea 
(d) Bananas 

3. What does Purdue University research tell us?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Food that are high nutrients and can help to improve health and well being. They are typically rich in fiber, potassium, and minerals. They can help to boost energy level, improve digestion and protect against other diseases
  2. (a) absorb iron and zinc
    (b) absorb iron and zinc
    (c) Catechins that prevent cell oxidation
    (d) Energy and muscles soreness reduction
  3. Adding a little lemon juice to the green tea makes catechins more absorbable. Catechins are antioxidants that can help to protect cell from damage

16. Mobile Phones and Music

Despite the risks, people often listen to music or use their phones while crossing busy highways or on public transport. I frequently wonder why they take such risks: to show independence or to urge the world to quit bothering them. Are they merely showing off? Earphones have become a part of our lives, occasionally causing tragedies. An electrician repaired our property recently. We detailed our instructions. After he left, I saw that he had done little. He had an earpiece on and couldn’t hear our directions. Hundreds of earphone junkies ride the Delhi Metro daily. “iPod oblivion” can be dangerous. I used the Delhi Metro with my wife recently. Passengers were scarce as the train approached the last station. Only two women sat across the aisle from us in our cabin. A duffel bag appeared. The bomb scare lasted many minutes. A kid seemed and grabbed the bag. He appeared astonished when we stopped him. He pulled off his earpieces, raised the bag, and told us he owned it and would get off at the next station. We were shocked but recovered enough to ask him where he was. He was leaning against the door in the compartment, listening to the music. He was unaware of his surroundings. We heard the tune as he left with earplugs.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What is the speaker in the passage worried about?

2. Mention any one of the speculations of the speaker’s doubts.

3. What is “iPod Oblivion”?

4. What caused the bomb scare in the Delhi Metro?

5. Why was the boy who owned the duffel bag unaware of his surroundings?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. People who listen to music or use their phones while crossing busy highway or on a public transport. They are worried that these peoples are not paying attention to their surrounds and could be putting themselves and others at risks.
  2. Trying to show independence or to urge the world to quit bothering them. They may also be trying to showoff
  3. Term used to describe the state of being so engrossed in listening to music that you are unaware of your surroundings. This can be dangerous, especially when you are in a public place
  4. Duffel bag that was found in a compartment, the passengers were worried that the bag contain a bomb and the train was evacuated.
  5. He was listening to music on his earphones. He was so engrossed in the music that he didn’t notice the bomb scare or the fact that the train has been evacuated.

17. Announcement: Railway Station

“May I have your attention, please? Train No 02345, Howrah Guwahati Saraighat Express, which is scheduled to arrive at 21 hours 30 minutes, is running late by 1 hour and 30 minutes. It will arrive at 23 hours. The inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.”

You will hear an announcement and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

 1. “May I have your attention please” – Identify the communicative function.

2. Fill the gaps in the table:

Name of the train 
Number of the train 

Mention the name and number of the train.

3. What is the running status of the train?

4. At what time is the train likely to arrive at the platform?

5. What is the inconvenience caused?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Referrentional Communicative Function
  2. Howrah Guwahati Saraighat Express, 02345, Guwahati
  3. The train is running late by 1 hour and 30 minutes
  4. The train is likely to arrive at the platform at 23:00 hours
  5. The passengers will have to wait for an extra hour and 30 minutes for the train to arrive.

18. Announcement: Debate Competition

“Attention, students! An important announcement! Note that the debating competition scheduled for tomorrow has been rescheduled. The new date for the competition is now 2nd June. All participating students are requested to register their names with the office of the Principal by Ist June. Please note that the topic for the debate ‘How to teach Ethics and Human Values ‘remains the same. The duration of each speech should not exceed five minutes. We encourage all students to participate and showcase their oratory skills actively. For further details and registration, please get in touch with the respective class teachers. Thank you.”

You will hear an announcement and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1.  The announcement is about _________

2.  2nd June is the date of the Debate Competition is to be held. True/False

3.  Mention the topic meant for the competition.

4.  The maximum duration for each speech  is ______________.

5.  Registration and details of the competition can be had from       ______________.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Rescheduling of the debating competition
  2. True
  3. How to teach ethic and human values
  4. Five minutes
  5. Respective class teachers

19. Announcement: Discount Sale

“Attention, students! We are pleased to announce a special discount sale at our store for the students this week on the occasion of” Telangana Dashaabdi Utsavaalu”. All items will be available at a flat discount of 30%. This includes books, notebooks, pens and other stationery. Don’t miss this opportunity to grab fantastic deals. Please bring your identity cards duly signed by your Principal. Visit our store at Nampally and enjoy the savings.”

You will hear an announcement and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What is the announcement about?

2. The discount percentage offered is____________.

3. Mention the occasion for the discount declared.

4. The sale discount is extended to Home Makers (True/False)

5. The store is located at _____________.   

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. A Discount sale for students on the occasion of, “Telangana Dashaabadi Utsavaalu”
  2. Thirty Percent
  3. “Telangana Dashaabdi Utsavaalu”
  4. False
  5. Nampally

20. A Dialogue – Asking for Information: Location

RamakrishnaExcuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest metro station?
BalakrishnaSure! Go straight ahead for about a kilometre, then take a right turn. You can see the Metro Station on your right.
RamakrishnaThank you so much for your help!
BalakrishnaYou’re welcome. Have a safe journey!

You will hear a dialogue and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What is Ramu asking for?

2. How far is it to turn right for the Metro?

3. Where will the metro station be located concerning their turn?

4. “Have a safe journey!” expresses a wish. (True or False)

5. Identify the communicative function of this context.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Direction to the nearest metro station
  2. It is about a kilometer to the right turn for the metro
  3. The metro station will be on their right after they take the right turn
  4. True
  5. The communicative function of this context is “Giving and Receiving Direction”.

21. A Dialogue – Between a Customer and Shopkeeper

VendorWelcome, Madam! After a long gap!
CustomerThank you! I have been to Europe on a long trip! By the way, how much does this Khadi Kalamkari sari cost?
VendorThis is one of the beautiful saris of the finest quality. This sari is priced at 3000 rupees.
CustomerHmm, I don’t think it’s worth its cost. I could take it home if you sell it for 2000 otherwise, I might have to look for it in another shop.
VendorMadam, you are our regular and premier customer. You will not find such fine cloth for such a lower price anywhere. This is a new stock from our mill, just a day back. I can offer it for 2,200 rupees. Deal…?
CustomerDeal! Thank you!

You will hear a dialogue and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Mention the name of the item sought.

2. The initial price offered for the sari was

3. The customer bargained the sari for Rs.1200. (True/False)

4. What price did they agree upon?

5. “I can offer…” Who does the word I refer to?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Khadi Kalamkari Sari
  2. 3000 Rupees
  3. False
  4. 2200 Rupees
  5. Vendor

22. Making Masala Chai

Wash your hands. Take out the supposed ingredients. Keep ready the lightly ground’ masala’ mixture of cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper and cloves in a mortar and pestle. Also, keep ready the freshly grated ginger. Boil one cup of water in a saucepan. Add the masala mixture into the boiler water along with grated ginger. Let it simmer for 2 minutes. Add one teaspoon of. rea powder and allow it to simmer for 2 minutes. Add one cup of milk and boil the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes. Add sugar as per your taste and stir well. Finally, strain the tea into cups and serve hot.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Name the ingredients meant for Masala Chai.

 2. One cup of masala mix should be boiled in a saucepan. (True or False)

3. When is the time to add milk?

4. Mention the quantity of sugar to be added.

5. Finally, strain the tea into cups. What does ‘strain’ mean here?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Cinnamon; Black Pepper; Ginger; Milk; Cardamom; Cloves; Tea Powder; Sugar
  2. False
  3. After boiling the masala mix for 2 minutes
  4. As per your taste
  5. To separate the liquids from the solids

23. Space Exploration

The Indian space programme has evolved into a phenomenal success, from carrying its first rockets to the launch pads on the bullock carts to setting a world record by launching 104 satellites in a single rocket. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched various satellites, including the Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan missions. These missions aimed to explore the moon and Mars, respectively. ISRO successfully launched its next-generation advanced navigation satellite NVS-I on Monday, 29th May 2023, from Srihari Kota, Andhra Pradesh. ISRO’s achievements have placed India among the leading nations in space technology.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Expand ISRO.

2. ISRO set the record for launching 401 satellites in a single rocket. (True or False)

3. What are Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan?

4. Name where ISRO is located?

5. When was the Navigation satellite NVS-1 launched?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Indian Space Research Organisation
  2. False
  3. Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan are the two successful mission of ISRO, Chandrayaan was a lunar exploration mission, while Mangalyaan Mars exploration mission.
  4. Bangalore, Karnataka
  5. 29th May, 2023

24. Indian Constitution and Values

A nation’s Constitution establishes its essential values. It governs government structure, procedures, authorities, and people’s rights and duties. With 395 articles and eight schedules, the Indian Constitution is the longest. 1946 saw India’s Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly included all prominent Indian National Movement leaders. The Constituent Assembly drafted the Indian Constitution. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar led a drafting committee. On November 26th, 1949, the Constituent Assembly adopted the New Constitution of India, which took effect on January 26th, 1950. Republic Day is January 26th. The Constitution of India’s Preamble briefly outlines its guiding principles. The Preamble declares India a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. A 1976 modification adds “socialist” and “secular”. “Sovereign” emphasises India’s independence and defined boundaries. In a democratic republic, citizens elect their representatives in fair and free elections and have ultimate power. The focus is not on a ruler. In a socialist state, majority rule and laws govern all decisions. Religion isn’t regulated in secular nations. All religions can have the right to practise their faith.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What does a nation’s Constitution establish?

2. How many schedules and articles are found in the Constitution of India?

3. When did India adopt its new Constitution?

4. What does the Preamble declare?

5. Mention the 1976 modification made to the Constitution of India

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. It governs government structure, procedures, authorithies and people’s right’s and duties
  2. 395 Articles and 8 schedules
  3. January 26th, 1950
  4. sovereign, socialists, secular, democratic republic
  5. “Socialist” and “Secular” to the Preamble

25. Need for Ethics

Man is a social animal. We cannot imagine a society without human beings. It is natural for all humans to form families and for them, in turn, to form communities. Every society has customs and values. Social life is only possible when everyone follows the rules and traditions. Breaking the rules or customs is immoral and anti-social. Everyone has rights and responsibilities. Human life is inseparable from nature. Nature provides air, water, food, clothes, etc. Thus, humans should take responsibility for society and nature because they affect human life. Therefore, as responsible citizens, they should advance society. They should also safeguard and develop nature. Morality governs all societies. These principles determine a society’s existence and growth. Ethics instructs us on right and wrong.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given before is you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. How is the man described here?

2. What is natural for humans?

3. When is social life possible?

4. Why is human life inseparable from nature?

5. What governs societies?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. social animal
  2. To form families and communites
  3. When everyone follows the rules and traditions
  4. Nature provides Air, Water, Food, Clothes, etc.
  5. Morality governs all societies

26. Creative Thinking

Creative thinking means thinking beyond the box and combining things in new ways. This activity will help you learn how we feel and how to think “outside the box.” Creative thinking requires risk-taking and overcoming our limitations. Practice makes perfect. More creative-thinking tips: Don’t obsess over the correct answers. Innovative processes have multiple right answers, depending on your perspective. Avoid logic. To improve, we must sometimes look at things differently or illogically. Break the thinking rules sometimes. Breakthroughs have resulted from rule-breaking. Be impractical. We’ll always agree with men and matters if we’re practical. Sometimes we need to take risks. Be playful. Relax and be creative. Be silly. It’s okay-freeing your mind to think of fresh concepts. Allow failure. Practise improves. Think creatively. This is related to never giving up. Everyone needs thinking skills. To excel, we must push ourselves. Remember that we only use part of this fantastic machine called our mind. It’s like turning on the brain’s light switch to attain our maximum potential.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What does creativity mean?

2. How does creativity help us?

3. What does creativity require?

4. Who needs thinking skills?

5. What should we remember?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Thinking beyond the box and combing, things in new ways.
  2. To solve problems, come up with new ideas and see the world in new ways.
  3. Risk taking and overcoming our limitations
  4. Everyone needs thinking skills
  5. We should remember that we only use part of our minds. We can unlock, our full potential by pushing ourselves and thinking creatively.

27. Forget and Forgive – Live Life!

As the saying goes, man receives and forgets, but God gives and forgives A godlike four-year-old youngster once revealed the path. The young lady at at the table, quietly listening to her father lecture her. “Dad, if you have finished, may I say something?” she politely said as he paused. She kept her calm even while being chastised. Her attentive listening and poise teach us life lessons just as well as, if not better, the scriptures. Consider any adult in that situation and their likely reaction. Can anyone compete with that girl’s attitude? Without a doubt, we all want to be loved. But can we compel others to feel good? Patience, forgiveness, love, and other useful qualities let us live in peace, be appreciated, and, most importantly, give and forgive others-a definite method to spread true happiness.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What does saying distinguish between man and God?

2. Who revealed the path to the scriptures?

3. Comment on the girl’s attitude in a word.

4. What values let us live in peace?

5. What is the passage about?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Man received and forgets; but God gives and forgives. The man is more likely to focus on what he receives from others, while god is more likely to focus on, on what he can give to others.
  2. A Godlike four-year old girl
  3. Calm and polite
  4. Patients, Forgiveness, Love and other useful qualities.
  5. The importance of giving and forgiving others in order to sepread true happiness.

28. A Queen’s Wisdom

Layla, the wise Queen, governed Arabia once. Her knowledge shone like the sun across the earth. She had no equals in terms of beauty or fortune. All seven regions under her charge enjoyed peace, prosperity, civility, and her capable and intelligent leadership. People, however, were dissatisfied. They used to make derogatory remarks about the Queen. When the Chief Advisor inquired why, the Queen grinned and replied, “I can do almost anything. I can seal the borders, lock the palace gates, etc. But there is one thing I cannot do: make people shut up. What matters is that I continue to do what I believe to be true, regardless of what others think!

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Who was Layla?

2. How many regions did she rule?

3. Why were people dissatisfied?

4. What was her reply to the Chief Advisor?

5. What is the message of the passage?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Queen of Arabia
  2. Seven regions
  3. They made derogatory remarks about her
  4. She could not make people shutup
  5. We should not let, the opinions of other, dictate our action. We should do what we believe to be true, regardless of what others think.

29. Yoga

The ancient Indian culture bestowed upon the world a priceless gift in the form of Yoga. It exemplifies the oneness of the mind and body, thought and action, constraint and fulfilment, the balance between man and nature, and a holistic approach to health and well-being. Yoga is not about physical fitness but finding a sense of oneness with ourselves, the world, and nature through practice. Making adjustments to how we live and raising awareness are both things that can help us combat the effects of climate change. Let us work towards making June 21st the International Day of Yoga.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Name the priceless gift mentioned here.

2. What does Yoga exemplify?

3. What is Yoga beyond physical fitness?

4. How can we fight climate change?

5. When is International Yoga Day celebrated?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Yoga
  2. The oneness of the mind and body, thought and action. The constrain and fulfilment, the balance between man and nature, and holistic approach to health and welbeing.
  3. It is a practise that helps us, find a sense of oneness, with ourselves, the world and nature.
  4. By making adjustments to how we leave and rise in awarness. This includes reducing our carbon footprints, using sustainable resources and supporting organisation that are working to the address climate change.
  5. June, 21st

30. Ghotul-A Model Tribal School

The Ghotul in Bastar is the most well-known of indigenous institutions. In this institution, younger Muria Gond children are educated by older Muria Gond through a work-play continuum and a sophisticated protocol of oral knowledge transmission. Children pick up a wide variety of abilities while exchanging tales, riddles, songs, dances, and ethical principles built on cooperation rather than rivalry. Both Jharkhand and Odisha are home to institutions comparable to Dhumkuria and Dangribasa.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What is the most well-known indigenous institution?

2. Who is taught in the institution?

3. What kind of abilities do children pick up in the institution?

4. Which of the states are famous for indigenous institutions?

5. What places are compared to Jharkhand and Odisha?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Ghotul in Bastar
  2. Younger Muria Gond Children
  3. Children pick up a wide variety of abilities while exchanging tales, riddles, songs, dances, and ethical principles built on cooperation rather than rivalry.
  4. Jharkhand and Odisha
  5. Dhumkuria and Dangribasa

 31. Small Is Beautiful!

Be it a big or challenging task, make it into smaller units and see its impact! Break down a child’s sudden desire into its parts and let the child choose. The Happy Meal from McDonald’s includes a burger, a drink, fries, and a small toy. At age five, my kid asked for it. I could buy it, but I helped her figure out what to do by saying, “You don’t like fries; the burger isn’t your favourite kind, and the drink on its own is much cheaper.” Were we going to buy anyway, or did we like the deal? If we do so, sure, let us get it.” She left when she was five years old. And then from a lot of other people. Separate a sudden desire into its parts. What good does this do?

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below, As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What is the passage about in brief?

2. Mention the components of a happy meal.

3. What did the speaker ask his kid?

4. What good happens if we separate a sudden desire into parts?

5. Identify the tone of the speaker in the passage.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. To help children deal with sudden desires, by breaking them down into smaller parts.
  2. Burger, drink, fries, small toys.
  3. If she really wanted the Happy Meal because She didn’t like fries and burger, wasnt her favorite kind.
  4. Understand the desire better, make a more information decision, find ways to satisfy the desire in a more healthy way.
  5. Helpful and informative.

32. Kumbh Mela

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people from all across India would pilgrimage to my hometown of Allahabad or Hardwar for the Kumbh Mela, the big bathing festival held in the Ganges. Even thirteen hundred years ago, when Chinese pilgrims and others published descriptions of these melas, they were ancient and lost to the mists of time. I wondered what the incredible faith had brought our folks to this renowned Indian River for immeasurable years.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. Name the speaker’s hometown.

2. Why do many people go to Allahabad every year?

3. Which of the rivers is mentioned in the passage?

4. Who published descriptions of the Kumbh Mela?

5. What astonished the speaker in the passage?        

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Allahabad
  2. For The Kumbh Mela, a big bathing festival held in the Ganges river.
  3. Ganges River
  4. Chinese Pilgrims
  5. By the incredible faith that has brought people to the Ganges river for inmeasurable years.

33. Innocence Unbeatable

Do you believe that you can easily mislead young children? Verify this on your own. A child once asked his mother about the graying of her hair. The mom intended to use this to instruct her kid on proper behaviour. She claimed, “It’s all thanks to you, honey.” If you do something evil, it will make one of your hair white. The child immediately reacted, “Now I know why my grandmother has only grey hair on her head.” Who do you think had the better etiquette lesson?

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What did the child ask his mother?

2. How did the mother want to use the opportunity?

3. Who addressed whom, saying “honey”?

4. Who does the word I refer to in the passage?

5. Draw out the message from the incident.

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. “Why her hair was green?”
  2. To teach her child about good behaviour
  3. The mother addressed her child as “honey”
  4. Mother
  5. Children are always listening and learning, even when we think they aren’t. It is important to be mindful of what we say to them, because they may take our words literally.

34. Dreams to Reality

Rameshwaram, in Southern Tamil Nadu, was in the evening. Sea breezes! Birds and waves soared. A dreamy-eyed, wavy-haired boy played on the beach. The eleventh Indian president, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, was this child. Abdul was drawn to the birds soaring above while with his companions. He watched a fledgling on a boat try to fly. It flapped and jumped. Air propelled its takeoff! The bird flew. It easily controlled speed and direction. Abdul wanted to fly like those beauties! Kalam designed Rohini, India’s first rocket. SLV-3 satellite launcher Abdul’s childhood couldn’t imagine it. Abdul was born on October 15, 1931, in Rameshwaram, a small village with narrow roads and old limestone and brick dwellings. Shiva Temple. Abdul’s family raised him well. Pious Jainulabdeen’s father supported his family modestly. This close-knit family made dinner special. Religion and family dominated the dinner. Abdul’s family took Rameshwaram-Dhanushkodi pilgrims. Rameshwaram pilgrims reached Dhanushkodi, 20 sea kilometres away. It’s Dhanushkodi’s faith. The family thrived by ferrying pilgrims. Rameshwaram’s cyclone sank their boat. One stroke ended the family’s only income. Abdul assisted the family. Tamarind seed demand A local store bought them. He was studying for his family. All agreed. He sold tamarind seeds to a shop while studying or beaching with friends. One annah! He helped his relative, Samsuddin, sell Dinamani. Morning trains dropped bundles of Madras (now Chennai) printed newspapers at Rameshwaram railway station. Most WWII army trains bypassed Rameshwaram. Abdul quickly delivered Samsuddin’s products for a modest fee. Dinamani’s lessons on India’s freedom fighters and war advances were popular. Abdul began. Abdul cherished his family. He enjoys remembering his first payment decades later.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

1. What does this passage tell us about?

2. What inspired Abdul to design a rocket named Rohini?

3. Where did Abdul spend his childhood?

4. What did Abdul cherish most about the memory of his first earning?

5. Why was dinner a special meal in the Kalam family?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Childhood of Avul PakirJainulabdeen Abdul Kalaam, who later become the 11th President of India.
  2. He watched a fledgling on a boat try to fly. It flapped and jumped. Air propelled its takeoff! The bird flew. It easily controlled speed and direction. Abdul wanted to fly like those beauties! Kalam designed Rohini, India’s first rocket
  3. Rameshawaram, small village in Tamil Naidu
  4. It should him that he could contribute to his family’s income and help them out, at difficult time.
  5. It was the time for them to come together and bond as a family. They would talk about their day, share stories and laugh together.

35. Beverages Around The World (Extra)

Next to water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world. This is a good news because tea offers important health benefits. Its benefits were first discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who declared that it gave one vigour of body, contentment of mind and determination of purpose. Today there is ample proof that tea in its many forms possesses a number of health benefits from supporting the immune, system to reducing the risk of cancer, to helping prevent tooth decay.

What makes tea such a healthy drink ? The star compounds are called catechins. Those are antioxidants ,that help prevent cell damage by harmful molecules called free radicals.

Tea can be black, green and red and is derived from a warm-weather evergreen tree known as Camelia Sinensis. The more processing, tea leaves undergo, the darker they become. Green tea is the least processed tea. It is simply steamed quickly and offers the maximum healing powers because it isn’t fermented. It also helps prevent tooth decay and aids weight loss.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. The most commonly consumed beverage in the world is………………………….. (1×5 = 5)
  2. Benefits of tea were first discovered by……………………………………..
  3. Tea turns out to be a healthy drink due to the presence of…………………………….
  4. Green tea leaves offer maximum healing powers because it is………………………..
  5. The word to the last para which means the same as helps is………………………….

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. tea
  2. the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung
  3. catechins
  4. not fermented
  5. aids.

36. Culture Of Nuclear Families (Extra)

The culture of nuclear families is in fashion. Parents are often heard complaining about the difficulties in bringing up children these days. Too much of freedom in demand, too much independence; over night parties; excessive extravagance, splurging pocket money; no time for studies and family all this is a common cry of such families. Aren’t parents, themselves, responsible for this pitiful state ? The basic need of a growing youth is the family, love, attention and bonding along with moral values. One should not forget that ‘charity begins at home’.

Independence and individuality both need to be respected, in order to maintain the sanctity of family. Children, today are to be handled with tact in order to bridge the ever widening generation gap. Only the reasonable demands need to be fulfilled, as there are too many expenses to be met and top many social obligations to be taken care of by the parents. Our forefathers lived happily in joint families. Children loved to live with their cousins, learnt to adjust within means. There was perfect harmony between the generations. There never existed the concept of old-age homes. There was deep respect for the family elders and love, care and concern for the youngsters. Even the minor family differences were solved amicably.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. Mention any two major common concerns of a nuclear family.             (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
  2. Who, according to the passage, are responsible for them ?
  3. Explain the expression ‘charity begins at home’.
  4. Describe the atmosphere in joint families.
  5. Which word in the passage means ‘Holiness of life’ ?

Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Too much independence and no time for studies and family.
  2. Parents themselves.
  3. The parent should not forget that it is in giving that one receives.
  4. In joint families, children get a friendly atmosphere and they also learn to adjust within means.
  5. Sanctity

37. Reading (Extra)

Reading is an excellent source of knowledge and a powerful tool for personal growth. Books open doors to new worlds, ideas, and perspectives that can expand our knowledge and understanding. Whether it’s classic literature, self-help books, or poetry, reading allows us to explore different experiences and emotions that can enrich our lives.

Reading has numerous benefits for our mental and emotional well-being. It stimulates our brain, improves focus and concentration, and enhances our critical thinking skills. Moreover, reading can be a form of escapism, providing a healthy distraction from daily stressors as we immerse ourselves in captivating stories and characters.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. What are the benefits of reading for personal growth?
  2. How does reading contribute to expanding our knowledge and understanding?
  3. What can reading do for our mental and emotional well-being?
  4. How does reading improve critical thinking skills?
  5. Why is reading considered a form of escapism?
Answers For Above (click here)
  1. Reading allows us to explore different experiences and emotions, enriching our lives and promoting personal growth.
  2. Reading opens doors to new worlds, ideas, and perspectives, expanding our knowledge and understanding.
  3. Reading stimulates the brain, improves focus and concentration, and provides a healthy distraction from daily stressors.
  4. Reading challenges our minds by presenting different ideas and perspectives, thus improving our critical thinking skills.
  5. Reading is considered a form of escapism because it diverts from reality, allowing readers to immerse themselves in captivating stories and characters.

38. Sahara Desert (Extra)

The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world, spanning across several countries in northern Africa. The desert, with over 9 million square kilometres, is characterized by its vast stretches of dunes, rocky plateaus, and occasional oases. Due to the extreme heat and arid conditions, the Sahara remains sparsely populated, with only a few wandering tribes inhabiting the region.

The desert experiences scorching temperatures during the day, often exceeding 50 degrees Celsius, while the nights can be freezing. Despite its challenges, the Sahara is a rich reservoir of natural resources, including oil, natural gas, and minerals.

You will hear an audio and it will be played only once. Before you listen to the recording, you can read the questions given below. As you listen to the recording, you can answer the questions.

  1. What is the Sahara Desert known for?
  2. Why is the Sahara sparsely populated?
  3. What are some geographical features of the Sahara?
  4. What are some weather conditions experienced in the Sahara?
  5. What valuable resources are found in the Sahara?
Answers For Above (click here)
  1. The Sahara Desert is known for being the largest hot desert in the world.
  2. The extreme heat and arid conditions make it difficult for people to live there.
  3. Geographical features of the Sahara include dunes, rocky plateaus, and oases.
  4. The Sahara experiences scorching temperatures during the day and cold nights.
  5. Valuable resources found in the Sahara include oil, natural gas, and minerals.

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